Sunday, March 23, 2014

Five Year Anniversary

Last Sunday, Andrez and I celebrated five years of marriage and twelve years of being together.  In some ways the time has just flown by, but when we look back on everything we have done, it seems like we've been together so much longer.  We celebrated by going out to dinner to Jake's Famous Crawfish and enjoyed steak and crab, shrimp, brie, and cream cheese stuffed salmon!  Our dinner was delicious and it was fun spending our weekend together.  We didn't do presents this year, but instead, to commemorate our five years married (the theme is wood), we decided to buy some items for our garden-strawberries patches and blueberry bushes.  We also wanted to plant a tree, but we're having a hard time deciding what kind we want, so we'll also be planting one in our front yard in the coming months.

Here are a few pictures from our night out, and of course, I didn't get any of the two of us together!  


Our Anniversary is actually 3/16, but we went to dinner the night before.  I thought it was sweet that they added the little message to our menu. 

Watch Me Grow! 28 weeks

Another week has come and I am now just 12 short weeks from my due date.  Andrez and I have started working on the nursery and have the crib (gifted from some of my wonderful Okinawa friends Cortnie, Amanda, and Johanna) and wardrobe set up.  We still need to arrange the furniture and get some things hung on the walls, but we'll get there slowly but surely.  

This last week was pretty uneventful and we both just worked, and due to somewhat restless nights of sleep, I just relaxed when I came home each night.  Here's this week's bump picture and an update on my pregnancy!

How Far Along:  28 weeks (The baby is the size of a cauliflower head and I am officially in my third and last trimester.)

Total Weight Gain:  As of my last doctor appointment two weeks ago, I had gained 23 pounds.  

Stretch marks/Belly Button:  No stretch marks and still a flat belly button.

Sleep:  This week I had really weird nights of sleep where I slept in what felt like a dream state instead of the deep rem sleep.  I just felt really tired all week, so I am really happy that it's the weekend where I get to wake up without an alarm!

Cravings:  No real cravings except frozen yogurt and really good coffee, oddly enough!

Movement:  Everyday, especially the first half of the morning before lunch.  This little baby likes to keep me company while I'm working.

Mood:  Good.  This was a good week overall.  I am staring to feel a little more hormonal as far as emotional ups and downs, but they are small.  I'm getting more and more excited to meet this little one and am starting to come to grips with the reality that Andrez and I are going to be parents in less than three months! 

Symptoms:  Besides being really tired, my symptoms were minimal this week.  I am feeling really big and can't really get out of bed or get off of the couch the way I used to.  It's been interesting taking prenatal yoga and seeing how flexible it's kept me and that I'm still able to do some of the same positions and stretches that I could when I started 8 weeks ago.  I also think it's helped reduce back and body aches so far, but I know that I am still growing and some of those pains are inevitable.  For now, I am going to enjoy feeling good!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Watch Me Grow! 27 weeks

This last week was a good week overall.  We had an appointment with our midwife and everything seemed to look great with the baby.  The heartbeat (145 BPM) now sounds like a horse galloping because it's getting larger and we're able to hear more.  She also measured my belly and I am measuring a week smaller than what I am, but it's completely normal for my body type.  I also had to take the dreaded glucose test!  It actually wasn't too bad, the drink tasted like fizzled out Sprite and I didn't have to fast or anything which made it not that bad.  I luckily passed, so now gestational diabetes for me!

The weather was so nice this week in Portland and we had a couple of days of sunny, 60 degree weather!  It felt so good that Tuesday after work I came home, put on shorts and a T-shirt, and laid out in our front yard.  The sun and nice weather was so invigorating and felt amazing!  It's funny because last year when we arrived in April to similar weather, we thought all of the Portlanders out in their sundresses and shorts and T-shirts were crazy.  Now we are one of those crazy people who thinks 60 and sunny is like summer!  Funny the difference a year can make!

Here's to the end of my second trimester and beginning of the third!!!

How Far Along:  27 weeks-Accoridng to some apps and books, this is the start of my third trimester and according to the others, it's the last week of the second.  I guess I'll cut it in half and say that Sunday is the third trimester (also our 5 year wedding anniversary!!) (The baby is the size of a cucumber!)

Total Weight Gain:  As of last Friday, 3/7, I have gained 23 pounds.  

Stretch marks/Belly Button:  No stretch marks yet and my belly button keeps getting more and more flat!

Sleep:  Really good this week.  I have slept really soundly, but I have had a hard time falling asleep each night.  I normally go to bed around 9:30pm, but with the time change, that has morphed into 10:30pm or later.  Luckily, I have been sleeping through the night.

Cravings:  I really didn't have any strong cravings this week.  We ate salmon and caesar salad for dinner one night, which we have every week and I always crave.  I did want a frozen yogurt, which we had last night and it was pretty tasty!

Movement:  Lots!  This little baby is becoming very active.  Andrez also got to feel the baby move for the first time this last Sunday (3/9) which was really special!  

Mood:  Pretty good.  I am feeling a bit overwhelmed with the whole we're having a baby and our lives are about to change, but I know that we are ready and I think it's one of the enormous life changes that you can never really be 100% prepared for. 

Symptoms:  What I thought was heartburn, might actually be a muscle-skeletal type pain.  We visited our midwife this last week and she thinks because of my build and where I am feeling the pain, that it may be more of my ribs, muscles, and everything else making room for this little one.  I am also starting to really feel pregnant, as in, I am able to do less and less because it makes my back hurt or my feet are throbbing by the end of the day.  Andrez is taking on more and more chore and house-wise which has been nice for me.  It's just a weird feeling to be growing so big and knowing that I will continue to grow for another 13 weeks!

President's Day Weekend at Mount Hood

For President's Day weekend, we rented a cabin near Mt. Hood in Rhododendron which is just outside of Government Camp.  It was a little cottage with two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a hot tub (which we actually didn't use at all), a kitchen, and a huge living space.  The cottage was very secluded and the Zig Zag River was right off our deck.  We had booked the trip before I got pregnant, so it was intended to be a snowboarding trip, but I was okay with not snowboarding this year and getting some much needed R&R instead.

Andrez and our friends, Lester and Rachel, all got to snowboard and said that they had an amazing time.  The first day we were up there it rained, which didn't make for the best snowboarding conditions, but the temperatures lowered enough that night that Timberline (the ski lodge) got snow and everyone had a great second day.  I can't say that snowboarding trips are as fun when you can participate, but it was fun getting to see the lodge and lifts and I'm excited to get out there next winter!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Watch Me Grow! 26 weeks

Another week down in the journey to meeting our first born baby!  This last week went by pretty quickly with work and having some of my closest Okinawa girlfriends come visit me.  They came to Portland for the weekend, and despite the rainy weather, we were able to get some fun site seeing, shopping, and eating in.  It was so fun having them here to visit, but saying goodbye Sunday night was so hard, especially knowing that a couple of them I won't see until after the baby is born.  I feel so lucky to have friends that I can miss that much, and it just makes the reunion trips we have that much more special and fun.

Other than that, the week was uneventful, which in pregnancy is a good thing!  Here are some updates from this last week!

How Far Along:  26 weeks (The baby is the size of a head of lettuce!)

Total Weight Gain:  I haven't stepped on a scale, so we'll go with 18 lbs. but I'm sure it's more.  I have a doctor appointment tomorrow, so I'll have a better update next week.  

Stretch marks/Belly Button:  No stretch marks as of yet and my belly button is a flat innie, if that makes sense!

Sleep:  Overall pretty good.  I had one night this week where I woke up to go to the bathroom and then laid there awake for two hours while the baby kicked and played.  It was pretty fun to feel so I didn't mind too much and I think this is prep for the sleepless nights we're about to have!

Cravings:  Still salmon!  I also have loved sour candies, like Sour Patch Kids, and my friends were so kind as to get me an almost 2 pound bag of them, which is sadly almost gone!!

Movement:  He or she seems to be pretty happy in there and I feel them everyday.  It's most fun when I'm sitting at work because it makes me feel like I have a little buddy with me all the time.

Mood:  I was sad on Sunday night after my friends left, but I'm feeling better and feeling good about the pregnancy.  I definitely have my moments where I freak out about all of the body and life changes that are and are about to take place, but my excitement to be a mom and meet our baby far outweigh any fears I have.

Symptoms:  I still have some heartburn, but not as bad.  My feet have also been hurting by the end of the day, which they never used to.  I do get tired a lot more quickly and by the end of the day, I am pretty spent.  Last night I treated myself to a bath, which after two long days at work, felt like heaven on earth!

Here are this week's bump pictures.  Same day today, but I had my hair down in one for my mom.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Watch Me Grow! Weeks 22-25

There has been a lot of growing going on these last few weeks!  It's funny because Andrez and I think that I have been showing and big for so long, but when we look back at these pictures, we see that I didn't really pop until weeks 23/24!  

These past few weeks have been pretty hectic with work, a snow storm, a weekend at Mt. Hood (post with pictures to come), and applying for and interviewing for my job, which I got (it was a temp position turned into a permanent position)!  The month of February flew by and the month of March shows no signs of going any slower!  

How Far Along:  25 weeks (The baby is the size of an eggplant!)

Total Weight Gain:  As of my last doctor appointment on February 4th (2 days shy of 22 weeks) I was up a total of 18 pounds.  I wasn't too surprised given how hungry I had been the weeks prior.

Maternity Clothes:  Pretty much all maternity except for some of my dresses.

Sleep:  I still wake up a couple of times a night, typically one or two of those times is to go to the bathroom.

Cravings:  Salmon and citrus fruit.

Movement:  More and more each week.  I found out that I have an anterior placenta which means my placenta is in the front and acts as a cushion between the baby and me.  It's not harmful to either of us, but it does make it harder for me to feel the baby.  I don't feel the baby all of the time, but I do feel him or her everyday.

Mood:  These last few weeks were a little more difficult emotionally.  I had a little more anxiety than normal, which I think stemmed from not knowing my future with my job and dreary weather.  Ever since I was offered my job, I have been feeling much better!

Symptoms:  I am feeling more and more stretched out, and I still have 15 weeks to go!  I have been been getting heartburn which is uncomfortable, but eating smaller meals seems to help.  I have been feeling pretty good overall, minus a bad cold I came down with this last week.